Funerals & Memorials

Funerals & Memorials

When I lost my grandmother, she was not a member of a temple, so our family hired the funeral- director’s Rabbi. He delivered a by-the-book sermon which did not accurately express the stories and the love we shared with him during his interview with us. It was very painful for me to hear a sermon which did not reflect my relationship accurately, or my feelings of loss.

I will never forget that sorrow, and vow to be of service to you during your most challenging time. I will write a sermon which will express your deep emotions of loss to help you begin your mourning process. There can be no beginnings without endings. Life is a precious gift which can not be appreciated without the paradox of loss. We will celebrate the life that was. There is hope for us all in loving and supporting one another.

by Aaron-aWhen a loved one dies, you begin to grieve. It is very difficult to stay focused and communicate your needs during these times. My spiritual beliefs have helped me accept endings. I can be strong and clear and guide you during these challenging times. We can work together in a simple and expedient way to create a service which speaks from your heart and comforts your loved ones.

Well-versed in many religious and philosophical traditions, I will create a sermon which reflects the deceased’s attitudes and beliefs, whatever they were. A non-religious ceremony is also an option. If the deceased was influenced by many religious paths, we can incorporate them all into the service to reflect their unique spiritual life.

Click here to fill out the funeral/memorial service inquiry form

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    Religious Affiliations

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    Date you require my services

    Eveny Time

    Venue Name

    Venue Address

    How did you hear about me?

    If referred, by whom?

    How do you prefer that I contact you - Email? Phone?

    Best time to reach you?

    Additional Comments


    Fill out the above form or contact me by phone to set up an appointment to begin. Call Reverend Gwen at (718) 916-6637.